Drop Off & Pick Up
Arrival Time
Students must arrive at least 10 minutes before class begins. When students arrive 10 minutes after the class has started they will be asked to watch class. This is to protect your child from injuries caused from not warming up properly.
Waiting for Class
All children not taking a dance class should be chaperoned by a parent while in the waiting room. Also, please remember the following rules:
- No one is permitted in the studio area unless a teacher is present, especially before class.
- Under no circumstances are siblings permitted in the studio area.
- No Food or Drink is permitted in the changing rooms. Please keep it in the designated areas.
- The Chester Valley Dance Academy is not responsible for your child during the drop off or pick up times. It is the parent/guardian’s full responsibility to make sure the student gets into the class and is picked up promptly. The children are advised not to leave the building. (All students should wait inside). Any special arrangements must be given to the director or teacher in writing at the beginning of any class.
- No one except dancers is permitted in the main hallway of the building.
Frequency of Instruction
Parents are urged to have students attend classes on a regular basis for proper development. Please understand that all children progress at different rates. Students may not always be placed with the same classmates from year to year. The instructors expect a slightly sick or injured student to come and watch each class.
Pointe Policy
The teachers closely observe the students during their classes each week. The teachers choose those students who are ready to take a pointe class from among the students who have been taking at least 2 ballet classes a week.
Read more on our Pointe Policy
Dropping & Adding Classes
Chester Valley Dance Academy, LLC does not accept new students after the month of October. Also, currently enrolled students will only be permitted to change or add classes up until November 1st. When adding or dropping a class a “Change Form” must be filled out in the office.
Discontinuation of Classes
Should you feel it necessary to discontinue classes, you must notify our office in writing. You are financially responsible for tuition up to the time that a “Change Form” has been filled out in our office.
Absence Policy
All days missed (for whatever reason) must be made up in the current session; No refunds or credits for missed classes, including snow days. Sign up in the office for make up classes, and be sure to pick up a pass to be admitted before entering the make up class.
Make Up Classes
If a student misses their regularly scheduled class, please call the studio at 610-594-2771 and inform the office of his/her absence. Please remember that credits and refunds are not given for missed classes and therefore it is suggested that you schedule a make-up class. (All make-up classes should be the same level as the student’s regular class or a level below.)
Studio Closings & Weather Cancellations
Studio Closings
Please check our website for updated closings. The Chester Valley Dance Academy, LLC will be closed for most major holidays. As the holiday approaches, notices will be posted in the studio and the students will be reminded in class. It is your responsibility to know when the studio will be closed. Holiday closings are already deducted from your tuition for the year.
Weather Cancellations
Small and Large weather conditions have closed our studio in the past. Please call the studio or check our website 1 hour before your scheduled class, even if you think the roads are fine. (It is your responsibility to schedule a make-up class for weather-related cancellations.)
Cancellation of Classes
The Chester Valley Dance Academy, LLC reserves the right to discontinue any class attended by fewer than 6 students.
Lost & Found
All valuables and belongings should be watched carefully or labeled with the student’s name. The studio is not responsible for lost items. There is also a Lost and Found box located in the parent waiting room. The Lost and Found box is cleared out twice a year. Please check for items regularly.
Our Annual Recital will be held in May. This performance is not mandatory. Anyone who participates must attend the mandatory stage and dress rehearsals.
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