The #1 thing to know about Recital Dress Rehearsal is that it is MANDATORY FOR ALL DANCERS! If a dancer is not at dress rehearsal he/she will not be permitted to perform in the show. Sorry, No Exceptions.
Please check the 2019 Dress Rehearsal Schedule for the time and day your class is to rehearse. Be at the school dressed and ready to dance 30 minutes before you are scheduled to go on stage. In the past, the rehearsals have run early. Please give yourselves plenty of time to drive carefully and prepare your dancer in a calm manner.
Dress Rehearsal & Recital are held at Phoenixville Area Middle School
Before you arrive at the performance venue
- Make sure you have your entire costume, shoes, tights and all necessary accessories.
- Hair & make-up should be done at home before you arrive at the school.
- Please carry your costume in a plastic bag to the school. DO NOT change into your costume until you have arrived at the school.
- Make sure to wear full make-up & have your hair pulled up, as it will be worn for the show.
- Pack proper cover ups for backstage, it is sometimes chilly in the dressing rooms.
- Tip: Bring a Laundry Basket to store all of your belongings!
Upon arrival at Dress Rehearsal
- When you arrive at the school go to the registration desk near the lobby to register your child. The staff members at the desk will inform you as to where your changing area will be for the rehearsal and the show(s).
- Once in your designated dressing area, check-in with your child’s Classroom Mom.
- Students in more than one class are responsible for checking in with each of their “classroom moms”.
- Give your Picture Envelope & Check to your classroom mom as soon as you arrive to dress rehearsal. The address label should be completed and placed inside the envelope!
Picture Information
- We recommend that you videotape and take pictures during the dress rehearsal. For safety reasons, tripods and flash photography are NOT permitted during the shows.
- Professional pictures will be taken during dress rehearsal or on your assigned picture day.
- The Classroom mom will chaperone the performers from the stage to the photo room. Parents are not permitted in this area. Parents will be permitted to wait in the upstairs hallway outside the picture room until their child’s pictures are completed.
- Picture Information from the photographer will be handed out in dance class prior to dress rehearsal.
- Purchasing a picture package is optional. However, we would like to include everyone from the class in the “group shot”.
- Please have your picture envelope filled out and ready to give to the classroom mom when you arrive at dress rehearsal. Complete the address label and put inside the envelope along with your check.
- Extra “Picture Envelopes” will be available the day of dress rehearsal. Pictures will be mailed directly to you 6-8 weeks after the recital. If you have any problems with your picture order or would like to order more photos, contact Accent Photography at 215-361-3059.
- Before leaving the dressing area please make sure to “sign out” your child with the Classroom Mom.
- Please make sure you have all of your belongings before leaving the facility.
- Please make sure that your dressing area is clean and neat before you leave.
Please allow in your schedule at least 2 hours of rehearsal time including the ½ hour before you are scheduled to rehearse on the stage. Please be patient while waiting for your turn to go on stage. We will run as close to schedule as possible, but still be prepared to wait. After each class performs on stage for their dress rehearsal, classes will then go to the photo room for a class photo. Dancers will not be dismissed until after the class photo is taken.
It is our policy that ALL tuition is paid in full (including Late Fees, Shortages, and any charges that are on your account) before costumes can be handed out to parents/guardian. Please do not wait until dress rehearsal to pay your account. There are no exceptions. Thank you.
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