Traffic Control at CVDA

Dear Parents,

The start of classes is always exciting and a new experience for the Chester Valley Dance Academy students.  We are very happy to have such a wonderful group of children and parents as part of our family.

Below are some reminders to help our year continue to be a good one.

Hours of Operation

Our studio will be open 15 minutes prior to the first class of the day and will close 15 minutes after the last class of the day.  Please only drop off your child and pick them up during the hours when someone will be here. 


I have been contacted by the other businesses around us.  They have asked that you do not use their lots for parking.  Due to liability, ground erosion, and use, they are not willing to accommodate your presence in their lots.  They have informed me they will administer fines and/or towing if it continues to be a problem.

To avoid the residents from contacting us and complaining, please do not park on the private street next to our building.  We are trying to start our year off with a good neighbor policy.

With all this information at hand, there may be some rearrangement of the classes to have a 5 or 10 minute time change.  You will be informed if your class is one which will be affected.

Other ways you can help with this situation are as follows:

  • Drop off your child at the main entrance. This area is to be used for drop off only; please do not park and wait for your child there.
  • If you are uncomfortable dropping off your child at the door, then please keep them with you and wait until a parking place becomes available.
  • After class, please move quickly to your car to help free up a spot for a student coming for class.
  • Always check the back of the building for parking spots. (We have had spaces available in the back and cars were still parked on the grass and in the neighbor’s lot).
  • Remember to always keep the flow of traffic going in the correct direction. Signs are posted for your convenience.
  • When dropping off your child at the main entrance please pull your car as close to the curb as possible to allow for others to pass you on the left.
  • Carpooling is also a recommended solution.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter,

Cathy Moran